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Support the Study of Migrations

By working together, we can address some of the most pressing migration challenges—challenges that touch all of our lives at both local and global levels. Your gift of any amount helps us continue this important work.

Support the Migrations Initiative

Our Impact

The Migrations initiative is at the forefront of interdisciplinary, multispecies research, teaching, and engagement about global migration of all kinds. We are all impacted by our world on the move, and we seek to engage not just students and faculty, but our broader communities with this work. 

We provide support for innovate thinkers, scholars, artists, and change makers at Cornell and beyond to better our understandings of interdisciplinary, multispecies migration. With your support, we can continue to provide generous funding for research, professional development, and creative work that puts migration at the forefront.


Xenophobia Meter Aims to Track Anti-immigrant Hate Speech

twitter app on a phone

We fund Cornell professors Beth Lyon, Gilly Leshed, and Martin van Schinjndel in their work with the Xenophobia Meter Project: Tracking Xenophobic Twitter Speech to Inform (and Shift) Policy.

"Creating this internet platform is a way to say, 'This is wrong – and someone is paying attention to it,'" says Lyon.

More Migrations Research


Community College Professional Development

We support community college faculty in New York State as they develop curricula around themes of racism, dispossession, and migration.

Summer Institute

We've hosted three annual summer institute that bring together emerging migrations scholars over two weeks. The inaugural institute in 2021 was "Cartographies of Racial Justice Beyond Borders: Territories of Dispossession and Migration."

More Ways to Learn


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Talk About Your Gift

Do you have giving questions? For additional information on how you can support the important work of the Migrations initiative, please contact Christian Shaffmaster, director of development for International Affairs, by email or phone at +1-607-255-3461.

Support the Migrations Initiative