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The Migrations initiative is supported by cohorts of dedicated faculty, postdoctoral fellows, and staff.

People look closely ahead at launch event

Faculty Leadership

The Migrations initiative is led by a team of faculty whose work has a broad international scope, cross-species impact, and multidisciplinary perspectives. Meet our faculty leadership.

Postdoctoral Fellows

Our Migrations postdoctoral fellows build interdisciplinary conversations and collaborations around the study of migration. Meet our postdoctoral fellows.

Mellon Foundation Advisory Committee

A group of interdisciplinary migration scholars advise the initiative and its activities around themes of racism, dispossession, and migration. Meet our cross-campus group of faculty researchers who make up the Mellon Foundation advisory committee.

Migrations Taskforce

The Migrations taskforce set forth the goals, research focal areas, and key activities of the initiative in 2019. Learn about the taskforce report and meet the team.
