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The effects of multispecies migration are global. It is more important than ever to engage a broad global public in learning more about how movement shapes our lives, the lives of animals and plants, and beyond.

The Migrations initiative is working toward this goal by providing opportunities for diverse communities to get involved: students of all levels, community college faculty, Cornell researchers, and a broad public.

People look at migration art on the wall
The Migrations Global Grand Challenge launch at the Johnson Museum in 2019 featured the how the light gets in exhibition about the movement of people across the globe.

Community College Professional Development

Open to community college faculty in upstate New York

In this year-long professional development opportunity, we collaborate with community college faculty fellows to enhance curricular projects that center the connections between racism, dispossession, and migration. Fellows receive $1,000 and are matched with partners, such as corresponding scholars or content resources.

Undergraduates: Get Involved

Undergraduate students at Cornell play a key role in shaping the content and direction of the Migrations initiative. The Mario Einaudi Center for International Studies offers ways for students to get involved:

Migration Studies Minor

People walking across rocky terrain

Explore interdisciplinary courses on human migration across the university

Undergraduate Migrations Scholars

Undergraduate scholar squats next to sea turtles on a beach

Help shape the content and direction of the Migrations initiative

Summer Pathways Program

Open to undergraduates and recent graduates

Our summer program provides hands-on research training to first-generation students and underrepresented minority graduates who are interested in studying migration and considering graduate school. Applicants do not need to be Cornell students.

Migrations Summer Institute

Open to early-career migration scholars

Our annual summer institute, co-sponsored by the Mario Einaudi Center for International Studies, immerses early-career scholars in the study of racism, dispossession, and migration in a collaborative space. Each year, the institute addresses a new topic under the leadership of a faculty researcher.


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