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Cornell University


A Global Grand Challenge


Researching, Teaching, and Building for a World on the Move

We study how all living things—humans, animals, insects, microorganisms, plant life—migrate from place to place on our planet. They cross borders, escape threats, live with changing climates and food supplies, recreate habitats, develop cultural patterns, seek improved quality of life, adapt and evolve, or face extinction.

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zebra herd in Africa Migrant field workers in California A NASA Visible Earth satellite image of Komodo National Park, Indonesia Coffee berries

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, American Immigration Lawyers Association

The American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA) recognizes Stephen Yale-Loehr with the Robert Juceam Founders Award, which is given from time to time to the person or entity having the most substantial impact on the field of immigration law or policy.


Learn more about the research, teaching, and engagement activities that we are using to transform our approaches to the issues of Migrations—and influence policy, practice, and leadership worldwide.

How Unequal Resources Shape Flood Migration

Lindy Williams

Sociologist Tracks Climate Risk Decisions in Pandemic

How International Law Can Protect Migrants

Ian Kysel

Human Rights Expert Advocates for Migrants and Refugees

How the Seas Shape Civilizations

Eric Tagliacozzo

Historian of Water Studies the Movement of People

Power, Inequality, and Immigrant Worker Rights

Shannon Gleeson

Labor Relations Expert Examines What Works, What Doesn’t

How Global Actions Can Benefit Multiple Ecosystems

Amanda D. Rodewald

Ecologist Studies Bird Migration, Biodiversity, Environment, Communities

Ancestral Migrations Stopped at Fencelines

Steven A. Osofsky

Wildlife Veterinarian Builds One Health Partnerships — and Solutions